Due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) concerns, some states are postponing primary elections.
As of Apr. 8, 2020, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island have delayed voting. Alaska, Hawaii, and Wyoming Democrats have canceled in-person voting in favor of mail-in ballots.
Please check with your state officials to confirm your primary voting date.
Additionally, the Democratic National Convention has been moved from July to August.
Each state, DC, and US territory holds a Democratic and a Republican primary, caucus, or convention to select a presidential candidate before the party nominates a candidate for a nationwide presidential election. A primary is a statewide vote in which each voter selects their preferred candidate. A caucus is a "system of local gatherings" during which voters decide on a candidate. A state convention works like the national convention, in which the jurisdictions within the state hold primaries or caucuses and then send delegates to the convention to select a candidate. Most states hold primaries. If an election is a caucus or convention, it is noted below.
While we do not usually include US territories in our state-by-state lists and people in US territories cannot vote in the presidential election, each territory does have primaries or caucuses, sends delegates to the party conventions, and is therefore included below. We have not included primaries for third parties because they do not happen consistently in every state; we have included the third party conventions when dates are available.
Five states, DC, and three territories hold Democratic and Republican conventions in different months, hence their being marked in pink on the map above: Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Hawaii, North Dakota, DC, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam.
The candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties are selected at the conventions based on the number of delegates gained from each state. Delegates are people who travel to the national conventions to represent the state. The 2020 Democratic party convention will have an estimated 3,768 pledged delegates, plus an additional 764 superdelegates. The 2020 Republican national convention will have an estimated 2,440 pledged delegates, plus an additional 110 unpledged delegates. Pledged delegates have agreed to vote for the candidate who wins the state's election. Each state has rules on how delegates are awarded to candidates. Superdelegates, or unpledged delegates, are not bound to any particular candidate and may vote however they choose. To win the party nomination, a candidate must win the majority of the party's delegates.
Each primary or caucus is open, closed, or mixed. Open means that any registered voter may vote, regardless of party registration or affiliation, but must choose only one party's ballot to vote on. Closed means that only voters registered with the particular party may vote, and, in most cases, voters must be registered with the party before voting day. Mixed most often means that independent voters may vote without declaring party affiliation, though the rules vary state-by-state and by party.
Some state Republican parties have canceled their Republican primaries, including South Carolina, Kansas, and Arizona. According to Nik DeCosta-Kilpa, the cancelations have precedent in both parties: "[T]here's also a history of parties of an incumbent president canceling primaries in those states to save money, since the parties pay for primary elections. But when it has happened, it has usually been the case that the president was running without any major primary challengers. Arizona Democrats didn’t hold a presidential primary in 2012 and 1996. Kansas did the same in 1996, citing $1.4 million in savings. And both parties in South Carolina have canceled primaries twice since the 1980s." The canceled primaries are still listed below but marked as canceled.
Date |
State |
Party |
Number of delegates
to party convention |
Open/Closed/Mixed |
Feb. 3 |
Iowa |
caucus |
41 |
mixed |
caucus |
40 |
mixed |
Feb. 11 |
New Hampshire |
Democratic |
24 |
mixed |
Republican |
22 |
mixed |
*South Carolina's Republican
primary was canceled. |
Feb. 15
South Carolina
50 |
open |
Feb. 15 |
Nevada |
caucus |
36 |
closed |
*Nevada's Republican
primary was canceled. |
Feb. 25
25 |
closed |
Feb. 29 |
South Carolina |
Democratic |
54 |
open |
MARCH 2020 |
Date |
State |
Party |
Number of delegates
to party convention |
Open/Closed/Mixed |
Super Tuesday |
Mar. 3 |
Alabama |
Democratic |
52 |
open |
Republican |
50 |
open |
*Alaska's Republican
primary was canceled. |
Mar. 3
28 |
closed |
Mar. 3 |
American Samoa |
caucus |
6 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
Arkansas |
Democratic |
31 |
open |
Republican |
40 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
California |
Democratic |
416 |
mixed |
Republican |
172 |
closed |
Mar. 3 |
Colorado |
Democratic |
67 |
open |
Republican |
37 |
open |
*Georgia's primary was
moved to May 19, 2020
and then moved to
June 9, 2020. |
Mar. 3 |
Georgia |
Democratic |
105 |
open |
Republican |
76 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
Massachusetts |
Democratic |
91 |
mixed |
Republican |
41 |
mixed |
Mar. 3 |
Minnesota |
Democratic |
75 |
open |
Republican |
39 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
North Carolina |
Democratic |
110 |
mixed |
Republican |
71 |
mixed |
Mar. 3 |
Oklahoma |
Democratic |
37 |
mixed |
Republican |
43 |
closed |
Mar. 3 |
Tennessee |
Democratic |
64 |
open |
Republican |
58 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
Texas |
Democratic |
228 |
open |
Republican |
155 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
Utah |
Democratic |
29 |
open |
Republican |
40 |
closed |
Mar. 3 |
Vermont |
Democratic |
16 |
open |
Republican |
17 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
Virginia |
Democratic |
99 |
open |
Republican |
49 |
open |
Mar. 3 |
Democrats Abroad |
Democratic |
13 |
must be members of
Democrats Abroad |
*Kansas' Republican
primary was canceled. |
Mar. 7
39 |
mixed |
*Kentucky's primary was
moved to June 23, 2020. |
Mar. 7 |
Kentucky |
caucus |
46 |
closed |
*Louisiana's primary was
moved to June 20, 2020. |
Mar. 7 |
Louisiana |
Democratic |
50 |
closed |
Republican |
46 |
closed |
Mar. 7 |
Maine |
caucus |
22 |
closed |
Mar. 8 |
Maine |
caucus |
22 |
closed |
Mar. 8 |
Puerto Rico |
Republican |
23 |
open |
Mar. 10 |
Hawaii |
caucus |
19 |
closed |
Mar. 10 |
Idaho |
Democratic |
20 |
mixed |
Republican |
32 |
closed |
Mar. 10 |
Michigan |
Democratic |
125 |
open |
Republican |
73 |
open |
Mar. 10 |
Mississippi |
Democratic |
36 |
open |
Republican |
39 |
open |
Mar. 10 |
Missouri |
Democratic |
68 |
open |
Republican |
54 |
open |
Mar. 10 |
North Dakota |
caucus |
14 |
open |
*Ohio's primary has been
moved to Apr. 28 and is almost
exclusively vote-by-mail. |
Mar. 10 |
Ohio |
Democratic |
136 |
mixed |
Republican |
82 |
mixed |
Mar. 10 |
Washington |
Democratic |
89 |
mixed |
Republican |
44 |
closed |
Mar. 12 |
Virgin Islands |
caucus |
9 |
closed |
Mar. 14 |
DC |
caucus |
19 |
closed |
Mar. 14 |
Guam |
caucus |
19 |
closed |
Mar. 14 |
Northern Marianas |
convention |
6 |
closed |
Mar. 14 |
Wyoming |
convention |
12 |
mixed |
Mar. 17 |
Arizona |
Democratic |
67 |
closed |
*Arizona's Republican
primary was canceled. |
Mar. 17
57 |
closed |
Mar. 17 |
Florida |
Democratic |
67 |
closed |
Republican |
57 |
closed |
Mar. 17 |
Illinois |
Democratic |
155 |
mixed |
Republican |
67 |
mixed |
Mar. 17 |
Northern Marianas |
caucus |
9 |
closed |
Mar. 24 |
American Samoa |
caucus |
6 |
open |
*Puerto Rico's primary was
moved to Apr. 26, 2020. |
Mar. 29 |
Puerto Rico |
Democratic |
51 |
open |
*Wyoming has cancelled in-person voting
for the Democratic caucus. Constituents may
still vote by mail. Ballots need to be received
by the Democratic party by Apr. 17. |
Mar. 30 |
Wyoming |
caucus |
13 |
mixed |
APRIL 2020 |
Date |
State |
Party |
Number of delegates
to party convention |
Open/Closed/Mixed |
Apr. 3-5 |
North Dakota |
convention |
29 |
closed |
*Alaska Democrats have canceled in-person voting.
Constituents may still vote by mail. Ballots need to be
received by the Democratic party Apr. 10, 2020 |
Apr. 4 |
Alaska |
Democratic |
14 |
open |
*Hawaii Democrats have canceled in-person voting.
Constituents may still vote by mail. Ballots need to be
received by the Democratic party May 22, 2020. |
Apr. 4 |
Hawaii |
Democratic |
22 |
open |
*Wisconsin's primary was moved to June 9, 2020,
however the state's Supreme Court overturned the
change. The primary remains on Apr. 7, 2020. |
Apr. 7 |
Wisconsin |
Democratic |
77 |
open |
Republican |
52 |
open |
*New York's Republican
primary was canceled. |
Apr. 23 |
New York |
Republican |
95 |
closed |
*Puerto Rico's primary was
moved from Mar. 29, 2020.
and then postponed indefinitely. |
Apr. 26 |
Puerto Rico |
Democratic |
51 |
open |
*New York's Democratic primary
was moved to June 23, 2020,
later canceled, and reinstated. |
Apr. 28 |
New York |
Democratic |
224 |
closed |
*Connecticut's primary was
moved to June 2, 2020. |
Apr. 28 |
Connecticut |
Democratic |
49 |
closed |
Republican |
28 |
closed |
*Delaware's primary was
moved to June 2, 2020. |
Apr. 28 |
Delaware |
Democratic |
17 |
closed |
Republican |
16 |
closed |
*Maryland's primary was
moved to June 2, 2020. |
Apr. 28 |
Maryland |
Democratic |
79 |
mixed |
Republican |
38 |
mixed |
*Ohio's primary was
moved from Mar. 10 and is almost
exclusively vote-by-mail. |
Apr. 28 |
Ohio |
Democratic |
136 |
mixed |
*Pennsylvania's primary was
moved to June 2, 2020. |
Apr. 28 |
Pennsylvania |
Democratic |
153 |
closed |
Republican |
88 |
closed |
*Rhode Island's primary was
moved to June 2, 2020 |
Apr. 28 |
Rhode Island |
Democratic |
21 |
mixed |
Republican |
19 |
mixed |
MAY 2020 |
Date |
State |
Party |
Number of delegates
to party convention |
Open/Closed/Mixed |
May 2 |
Kansas |
Democratic |
33 |
mixed |
May 2 |
Guam |
caucus |
6 |
closed |
*Indiana's primary was
moved to June 2, 2020. |
May 5 |
Indiana |
Democratic |
70 |
open |
Republican |
58 |
open |
May 12 |
Nebraska |
Democratic |
25 |
mixed |
Republican |
36 |
mixed |
May 12 |
West Virginia |
Democratic |
24 |
mixed |
Republican |
34 |
mixed |
*Georgia's primary was
moved from Mar. 3, 2020 and
then moved to June 9, 2020 |
May 19 |
Georgia |
Democratic |
105 |
open |
Republican |
76 |
open |
May 19 |
Kentucky |
Democratic |
46 |
closed |
May 19 |
Oregon |
Democratic |
52 |
closed |
Republican |
28 |
closed |
May 21-25, 2020
Libertarian National Convention |
JUNE 2020 |
Date |
State |
Party |
Number of delegates
to party convention |
Open/Closed/Mixed |
*Connecticut's primary was
moved from Apr. 28, 2020 |
June 2 |
Connecticut |
Democratic |
49 |
closed |
Republican |
28 |
closed |
*Delaware's primary was
moved from Apr. 28, 2020. |
June 2 |
Delaware |
Democratic |
17 |
closed |
Republican |
16 |
closed |
*Indiana's primary was
moved from May 5, 2020 |
June 2 |
Indiana |
Democratic |
70 |
open |
Republican |
58 |
open |
*Maryland's primary was
moved from Apr. 28, 2020 |
June 2 |
Maryland |
Democratic |
70 |
mixed |
Republican |
38 |
mixed |
June 2 |
Montana |
Democratic |
16 |
open |
Republican |
27 |
open |
*New Jersey's primary was
moved to July 7, 2020. |
June 2 |
New Jersey |
Democratic |
107 |
closed |
Republican |
49 |
closed |
June 2 |
New Mexico |
Democratic |
29 |
closed |
Republican |
22 |
closed |
*Pennsylvania's primary was
moved from Apr. 28, 2020. |
June 2 |
Pennsylvania |
Democratic |
153 |
closed |
Republican |
88 |
closed |
*Rhode Island's primary was
moved from Apr. 28, 2020. |
June 2 |
Rhode Island |
Democratic |
21 |
mixed |
Republican |
19 |
mixed |
June 2 |
South Dakota |
Democratic |
14 |
open |
Republican |
29 |
closed |
June 6 |
Virgin Islands |
caucus |
6 |
closed |
*Georgia's primary was first moved
from Mar. 3, 2020 to May 19. It was
later moved to June 9. |
June 9 |
Georgia |
Democratic |
105 |
open |
Republican |
76 |
open |
June 16 |
DC |
Democratic |
17 |
closed |
*Louisiana's primary was
moved from Mar. 7, 2020. |
June 20 |
Louisiana |
Democratic |
50 |
closed |
Republican |
46 |
closed |
*Kentucky's primary was
moved from Mar. 7, 2020 |
June 23 |
Kentucky |
caucus |
46 |
closed |
*New York's primary was
moved from Apr. 28, 2020,
later canceled, and ordered
reinstated by a federal judge. |
June 23 |
New York |
Democratic |
224 |
closed |
JULY 2020 |
Date |
State |
Party |
Number of delegates
to party convention |
Open/Closed/Mixed |
*New Jersey's primary was
moved from June. 2, 2020 |
July 7 |
New Jersey |
Democratic |
107 |
closed |
Republican |
49 |
closed |
JULY 9-12, 2020
Green Party National Convention |
Week of AUGUST 17, 2020
Democratic National Convention
*The Democratic National Convention
was rescheduled from July 13-16 due
to COVID-19 (coronavirus) concerns. |
AUGUST 24-27, 2020
Republican National Convention |
NOVEMBER 3, 2020
Election Day |
Sarah Almukhtar, Jonathan Martin, and Matt Stevens, "2020 Presidential Election Calendar," June 25, 2019
Tal Axelrod, "Indiana Postpones Primary Due to Coronavirus Fears," thehill.com, Mar. 20, 2020
Tal Axelrod, "New Jersey Moves Primary Elections to July," thehill.com, Apr. 8, 2020
Ballotpedia, "Democratic Delegate Rules, 2020," ballotpedia.org (accessed July 10, 2019)
Ballotpedia, "Republican Delegate Rules, 2020," ballotpedia.org (accessed July 10, 2019)
Rafael Bernal, "Puerto Rico Delays Its Primary a Second Time," thehill.com, Apr. 2, 2020
Eric Bradner and Kate Sullivan, "Wisconsin Governor Orders Delay of Primary Election until June," cnn.com, Apr. 6, 2020
Devan Cole, "Alaska GOP Cancels Its 2020 Presidential Primary in Show of Support for Trump," cnn.com, Sep. 23, 2019
Nick Corasaniti and Stephanie Saul, "2020 Democratic Primary Election: Voting Postponed in 5 States Because of Virus," nytimes.com, Mar. 17, 2020
Nik DeCosta-Klipa, "Bill Weld Goes off on Republicans' Plans to Cancel Presidential Primaries in Several States," Sep. 6, 2019
Democrats Abroad, "Democrats Abroad Calls on Americans Abroad to Participate in the 2020 Presidential Primary," democratsabroad.org, May 3, 2019
Jonathan Easley and Justine Coleman, "Wisconsin Supreme Court Blocks Governor's Effort to Delay Election," thehill.com, Apr. 6, 2020
D'Angelo Gore, "Caucus vs. Primary," factcheck.org, Apr. 8, 2008
The Green Papers, "2020 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions," thegreenpapers.com (accessed July 10, 2019)
Max Greenwood, "Georgia further Delays Primary Election to June," thehill.com, Apr. 9, 2020
Chris Keller, "2020: Democratic Primaries and Key Dates on the Presidential Election Calendar," latimes.com, June 26, 2019
Catherine Kim, "The 2020 Election Calendar," vox.com, June 26, 2019
Libertarian Convention, "2020 Libertarian National Convention," libertariancovention.org (accessed July 10, 2019)
Bill Mahoney, "New York Cancels Republican Presidential Primary," politico.com, Mar. 3, 2020
Nevada Republican Party, "Nevada GOP Re-Elects Chairman Michael J. McDonald, Opts out of 2020 Caucus," nevadagop.org, Sep. 9, 2019
Open Primaries, "Open Primaries State-by-State," openprimaries.org (accessed July 10, 2019)
Open Primaries, "Primary Type Definitions," openprimaries.org (accessed July 10, 2019)
Miles Parks, "Voting Amid Coronavirus: What You Need to Know," npr.org, Mar. 16, 2020
Starlene Rankin (Green Party Staff), Email, Sep. 7, 2019
Kate Sullivan, "Connecticut Governor Says Primaries Moved to June," cnn.com, Mar. 19, 2020
Kate Sullivan, "Rhode Island Postpones Primaries and Alaska Democrats Cancel In-Person Voting Due to Coronavirus," cnn.com, Mar. 23, 2020